Episode 64 – On 8 August as part of Piping Live, The College of Piping hosted pibrochs at lunchtime. Dr William – Willie Donaldson started off the week with a lecture/presentation based on his book The Highland Bagpipe and Highland Society. (the title is longer – look it up). A decent audience turned out and it was on live stream from the CoP. Here is the presentation which has been broken into segments for easy access and for technical reasons ( too long for YouTube).
Both the Music Scores and the Basic transcription of the Lecture are placed below. The Lecture went off the provided transcription but most of it is here.
DrWDonaldson;transcript (5)
DrWDonaldson;transcript (4)
DrWDonaldson;transcript (3)
DrWDonaldson;transcript (2)
DrWDonaldson;transcript (1)