097 : Eric Rigler : On Independence Day 4 July 2023 by Zoom to Los Angeles, Pipers’ Persuasion interviewed the well-known musician, Eric Rigler. Eric From a solid background of achievement in solo-piping and pipe-bands, developed into the consummate musician with mastery of various other instruments including Uilleann and whistles and his inherent ability to quickly learn and adapt to various scenarios made Eric the go-to guy for Film makers.
This is a wonderful excursion into the multiverse of piping which we know you’ll all love.
Tags : Los Angeles, California State amateur championship, Ronnie Morrison ,Angus MacLellan,
Oban ,Inverness, Highland games, Dunvegan medal, Polkemmet ,Rab Mathieson. Shotts pipe band, British Caledonian pipe band, BCal, Harry McNulty, Los Angeles pipe band, LAPD, whistles, uilleann, James Horner, Braveheart , Titanic, Fugitive, Outlander, surfboards, Angus MacDonald, allan MacDonald, Patrick Mollard, O’Flynn, Pincock, Reuben Blades, Bad Haggis, London Orchestra,