Episode 61 – Pipers’ Persuasion visited the College of Piping in Glasgow, Scotland where Hugh Anderson kindly described the various articles on display. The museum has many bagpipes and other objects including old books that make a visit almost obligatory to pipers and their ilk. A very pleasant and interesting hour indeed and one can get the sense of it here.
CopMuseum;1DMacDonald WGunn
CoPMuseum;2 MacDougall pipes
CoPMuseum;3 Culloden Bagpipe
CoPMuseum;4 ReelPipe
CoPMuseum;5 Angus Mackay
CoPMuseum;6 Prizes
CoPMuseum;7 MacRae Bagpipes
CoPMuseum;8 RGLawrie
CoPMuseum;9 Band Photos
Tags: MacDougall bagpipes; RG Lawrie;MacRae Bagpipes; Culloden Bagpipe;Angus MacKay;Donald MacDonald; William Gunn